Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lima es loca

Hola from Lima.

Cars buzzing, buses honking, people shouting, organized chaos, this is the life in Lima. Due to a bus strike in Peru our stay in Lima has been extended(the strike ended today), but this is not a bad thing. We have met some great people at the hostal and have learned of several things to explore in the city. This post will have to be abridged because I can not possibly write all the thoughts nor describe everything I have seen.

When we first arrived I experienced some culture shock and a sense of uselessness because I know very very little Spanish and have to rely on Sara for most communication. I was reluctant to leave the hostal on our first full day but Sara dragged me to the Plaza de Armas (the city center). We went by bus which includes a driver and his co-pilot who hangs out the sliding door holding a sign of the bus route and shouting what bus is it. We visited the Cathedral of San Francisco, there is a catacomb there filled with bones of 25,000 people. It is a pretty amazing structure that has endured a lot of history.

Later in the day my extravertedness came out and I met Pratap (He is a LSU grad from India) We took a cab to visit a founatain park that cost 21 million dollars to build. It was complete with a laser light show to several different songs including the Backstreet Boys!

Today we visited a Museum of Peruvian art and history. We saw rooms full of Moche ceramics that are thousands of years old. Ceramics ranging from exotic Moche pots to pots that show anthropromophic figures representing gods. What stuck me the most at this musuem was a line describing modern times to those of the Moche. The Moche lived with the earth, and the earth kept them alive. Today people live for possessions and are not aware of the earth that surrounds them.

We found a phone company and will probably purchase a phone tomorrow at 3pm. We are also planning on seeing some sealions and penguins! Should be an exciting day.

I have no way of posting photos at the moment but they will appear sooner or later.


  1. Hola Mateo y Sara,

    I forgot to warn you: Latin American countries seem to have a thing for Backstreet Boys, NSync, and American 80s music.

    Keep getting out there! =) It sounds wonderful thusfar.

  2. Hi Sara and Matthew!
    Sealions and penguins? You could have seen them at the Columbus Zoo! But I guess it wouldn't be the same. Glad you are getting out and experiencing the city. It sounds crazy but fun..well, fun if you're young! Sara, sounds like New York City...minus the Girl Scouts! :) Have fun, take lots of pictures (remember Matthew, you promised...), stay healthy and be safe!
    Love you much,
    Mom ♥

  3. Sounds like you're having a blast! I'm glad to hear you're getting out and exploring the city. Stay safe!

  4. Tracy- Don´t worry, we are getting plenty of ManĂ¡ as well.
    Mom- Yes, animals in real life, not in a zoo. We can even go swimming with the sea lions if we want!
    Diane- Yes, there is a lot to see here. We are getting out.

    Everyone-thanks for reading!
