We got to see an annual ceremony, complete with a band, flag raising, and the Peruvian national anthem.
The view from the roof:
Yes, that is the ocean!
And finally, the sunburn (pre-peeling phase):
Week two in Arequipa. (I only have 30 minutes before school so I must be quick)
I was going to write a serious post on observations of travel in relation to social justice issues or Peru, but since Sara wrote a serious post I guess I have to post something humorous.
Some good news.
All the bug bits I have acquired on this trip no longer bother me.
The bad news.
They no longer bother me because I have a mega sunbun from the beach of Mejia (Sara Too). It feels a lot better now but there was definitely a day of whineing somewhere between being sunburned and now. Sara told me I was tonto (stupid). Let me also tell you that standing on a combie bus with 20 or so people is no fun with a sunburn. Espically when the roof of the combie is at my shoulder height.
We spent the weekend on the Pacific coast in a small summer town. An observation while sitting on the beach with 10 foot waves crashing in was everyone in Peru seems to be a trabajador (hard worker). While in Mejia people were pulling carts of food and drink across the sand to make a sale to the hundreds of sun bathers lining the oceanfront. Others were toting large baskets filled with empanadas. While in the cities people are everywhere doing whatever work they can, in anyway they can. I am not sure how to describe it, but there is a different atmosphere about work here.
On the way back home from the beach there was a convoy of cars working their way back to Arequipa. The convoy was a serpent of lights snakeing their way through the mountains.
I must depart for school now, I am sure Sara will be quick to respond with another update because she has been trying to get me to post for several days now.
Camera update:
Will have to get a new one probably. No way to fix it or ship it to sony to have it repaired. They want my receipt with the camera. BAH!
I wish I could send you some aloe vera. (funny title!) Didn't your mom tell you to use sunscreen when you are at the beach...and reapply often? Well, I guess we all get careless sometimes. But I'll bet you will remember next time! Enjoy your time in Arequipa. I'm not sure this "life of luxury" will last! Oh, and beware of suspicious things floating in your soup!