Our walk wasn´t extremely exciting or anything (at least not in comparison to what we´ve been doing...), but it was nice to see part of Oropesa that we had somehow missed. We just headed up a street that runs along the side of the cathedral and kept going up and up and up. First, we came upon yet another church. We peeked through the doors and saw some of the giant figures that are part of the pre-Easter procession. It was creepy. Then, we found a field which apparently seems designated for trash dumping, we´re not really sure what else. Yes, it´s garbage, but I love all the colors of these discarded school notebooks. Then up and up and up farther on a rocky road full of animal poo to a beautiful green space and a stream.
I was scared, like always. I don´t know why. I am always concerned about space, especially invading it. But everything was beautiful. Then we saw all these sheep and goats (coming down from grazing all day?)! A man followed them with a giant bundle of sticks on his back and a whip in his hand. He was so friendly! I ws afraid he only knew Quechua, but he greeted us and said it was nice that we were taking a walk. He continued on down (the sheep jumped over the stream like they were in a Serta mattress commercial!) and Matthew wanted to keep going up to see what else was there, but then a herd of noisy cattle started down from another path and that made me more nervous. Up farther in another part of the hills, we could see another group of animals heading down, too.
Continuing would have been fine, I´m sure, but we headed back down to the city safely positioned between the sheep/goat herd and the cattle, dodging poop the whole way.
The view in front of me (man with sticks, sheep, goats, and a few dogs)
The view behind me (Matthew and noisy cows)
P.S. Matthew found a real live jaw bone
Great pictures, Sara! What a lovely place to go for a walk.