Monday, June 21, 2010

You're Invited . . .

Dear Reader,
I fondly remember fill-in-the blank invitations for parties when I was younger. Here's one for you.

You're invited to a party!

Where: Sara's house 

When: Friday, June 25, 6 p.m.-?

Why: To party (sort of) Peruvian-style to celebrate Inti Raymie, our safe return to the US, and Matthew's golden birthday.

R.S.V.P. Please send a note to so we know how much food to make.

Although many of our friends are far away from Columbus, for those of you who are nearby and want a psudo-Peruvian party experience, come on over! We'll be serving delicious non-meat foods (no guinea pigs or chicken feet) and the famous Pisco Sour. We have plenty of party music that we bought in Peru for about $1 at what Matthew claims was the black market, so dancing will be encouraged.

We hope to see you there!


  1. Cuentenme como les fue! Usaron la botella de pisco para hacer su pisco sour? .....siguen practicando el espanol??
